
Are you tired of the inefficiency and high energy costs associated with conventional household heating systems? Look no further than infrared heating panel technology. In this article, we will delve into the world of infrared heating panels and explore how they compare to traditional heating methods. We will also highlight the key benefits of installing infrared heating panels in your home, with a special focus on energy cost savings in Ireland.

Understanding Infrared Heating

Infrared heating is a revolutionary technology that utilizes electromagnetic radiation to transfer heat directly to objects and people in its path, rather than heating the air. This unique characteristic sets it apart from traditional heating methods, where hot air is circulated to warm the surrounding environment.

How Infrared Heating Panels Work

Infrared heating panels consist of a series of electrically conductive materials that emit infrared radiation when an electric current passes through them. These panels generate radiant heat that is absorbed by objects and surfaces in the room, creating a comfortable and cozy environment.

The Advantages of Infrared Heating Panels

  1. Efficient Heat Distribution: Unlike conventional heating systems, which heat the air first, infrared heating panels directly warm objects and individuals. This results in more efficient heat distribution, as there is no energy wasted in heating unused spaces or objects.
  2. Quick Heating: Infrared heating panels provide almost instant heat as they do not rely on heating up the air before feeling the warmth. This means you can enjoy a cozy environment in a matter of minutes.
  3. Zoned Heating: Infrared heating panels can be installed in specific areas or rooms, allowing you to create different heating zones within your home. This enables you to control the temperature in each zone individually, maximizing comfort and energy efficiency.
  4. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Unlike forced-air systems that circulate dust, allergens, and other particles, infrared heating panels do not move air, ensuring cleaner and healthier indoor air quality.
  5. Silent Operation: Infrared heating panels operate silently, without the need for noisy fans or motors. Say goodbye to the constant hum or rumble of traditional heating systems.

Comparing Infrared Heating Panels to Conventional Heating Systems

When it comes to comparing infrared heating panels to conventional household heating systems, several factors set them apart.

  1. Energy Efficiency: Infrared heating panels excel in energy efficiency as they eliminate heat loss through ducts or pipes. They require less energy to achieve the desired temperature, resulting in substantial energy savings.
  2. Heat Retention: Infrared heat remains in the objects and surfaces it touches, allowing for longer heat retention even after the panels are turned off. Conventional systems lose heat quickly once turned off, leading to temperature fluctuations and energy waste.
  3. Comfort and Health: Infrared heat provides a more comfortable and healthier heating experience. It warms objects and people directly, creating a cozy and gentle heat that doesn’t dry out the air or cause drafts.
  4. Flexibility in Installation: Infrared heating panels offer versatility in installation. They can be mounted on walls or ceilings, freeing up valuable floor space. Additionally, they can be easily integrated into existing heating systems for supplemental heating.

Energy Cost Savings with Infrared Heating Panels in Ireland

Ireland’s energy costs are a significant concern for homeowners. Infrared heating panel installation presents an opportunity to save on energy bills while enjoying efficient heating. Here are the key aspects of energy cost savings with infrared heating panels in Ireland:

  1. Lower Energy Consumption: Infrared heating panels consume less energy compared to conventional heating systems, resulting in reduced electricity or fuel usage and lower monthly energy bills.
  2. Zoned Heating Optimization: By creating heating zones within your home using infrared heating panels, you can ensure that energy is directed where it’s needed most. This targeted heating approach helps minimize energy waste and maximize cost savings.
  3. Smart Controls and Thermostats: Many infrared heating panels come equipped with smart controls and programmable thermostats, allowing you to set customized heating schedules. This enables you to optimize energy usage based on your daily routines and reduce unnecessary heating when rooms are unoccupied.

Installation and Maintenance of Infrared Heating Panels

Installing infrared heating panels is a straightforward process. They can be mounted on walls or ceilings, offering flexibility in placement. However, it is recommended to consult a professional electrician for safe and proper installation.

Maintaining infrared heating panels is relatively simple. Regularly dusting the panels and ensuring they are free from obstructions will help maintain optimal performance. It is also advisable to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific maintenance instructions.

Environmental Benefits of Infrared Heating Panels

In addition to their energy-saving advantages, infrared heating panels offer several environmental benefits:

  1. Reduced Carbon Footprint: With lower energy consumption and increased energy efficiency, infrared heating panels contribute to a reduced carbon footprint. By using clean and sustainable energy sources, such as solar power, the environmental impact can be further minimized.
  2. No Emissions or Combustion: Unlike traditional heating systems that rely on burning fossil fuels, infrared heating panels produce no emissions or combustion byproducts. This makes them an eco-friendly choice, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

  1. Infrared Heating is Harmful: Infrared heating panels emit safe and gentle electromagnetic radiation, similar to the heat we receive from the sun. They do not emit harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation or pose any health risks when used as intended.
  2. Infrared Heating is Expensive: While the initial investment in infrared heating panels may be higher compared to traditional systems, the long-term energy savings and durability of the panels offset the initial costs.
  3. Infrared Heating is Limited to Indoor Use: Infrared heating panels can be used both indoors and outdoors. They are a popular choice for heating patios, outdoor seating areas, and even industrial spaces.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Are infrared heating panels safe to use?
    • Yes, infrared heating panels are safe to use. They emit gentle and safe electromagnetic radiation, similar to the heat we receive from the sun.
  2. Can infrared heating panels be used as the primary heating source?
    • Yes, infrared heating panels can be used as the primary heating source, depending on the size and insulation of the space. They are particularly effective in well-insulated homes.
  3. Do infrared heating panels require professional installation?
    • While it is recommended to consult a professional electrician for installation, some infrared heating panels can be installed as a DIY project. However, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and adhere to safety precautions.
  4. Can infrared heating panels help reduce allergies or respiratory issues?
    • Yes, infrared heating panels can help improve indoor air quality as they do not circulate dust or allergens. This can be beneficial for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues. However, it’s important to note that infrared heating panels alone may not completely eliminate these conditions, and it’s always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
  5. Are infrared heating panels suitable for large spaces?
    • Yes, infrared heating panels can be used in large spaces. For optimal heating, it’s recommended to consider the size of the space, insulation, and the specific heating requirements. Consulting with a professional can help determine the appropriate number and placement of panels.

Final Words About Infrared Heating

Infrared heating panel technology offers a revolutionary approach to home heating. With its energy efficiency, quick heating, zoned heating capabilities, and improved indoor air quality, it is no wonder that more homeowners are considering infrared heating panels as a viable alternative to conventional heating systems. Moreover, in Ireland, where energy costs are a concern, the installation of infrared heating panels presents an opportunity for significant energy cost savings. By harnessing the power of infrared radiation, these panels provide comfortable warmth while minimising energy waste and environmental impact.


Q1: Are infrared heating panels safe to use?

Yes, infrared heating panels are safe to use. They emit gentle and safe electromagnetic radiation, similar to the heat we receive from the sun.

Q2: Can infrared heating panels be used as the primary heating source?

Yes, infrared heating panels can be used as the primary heating source, depending on the size and insulation of the space. They are particularly effective in well-insulated homes.

Q3: Do infrared heating panels require professional installation?

While it is recommended to consult a professional electrician for installation, some infrared heating panels can be installed as a DIY project. However, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and adhere to safety precautions.

Q4: Can infrared heating panels help reduce allergies or respiratory issues?

Yes, infrared heating panels can help improve indoor air quality as they do not circulate dust or allergens. This can be beneficial for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues. However, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Q5: Are infrared heating panels suitable for large spaces?

Yes, infrared heating panels can be used in large spaces. For optimal heating, it’s recommended to consider the size of the space, insulation, and specific heating requirements. Consulting with a professional can help determine the appropriate number and placement of panels.

Renewables Ireland is here to assist with all types of energy saving technologies so talk to us today about your infrared heating requirements.